A review by kittyg
Pretty Deadly #7 by Emma Ríos, Kelly Sue DeConnick


This issue was IT. Everything within this issue just worked SO SO well for me and although coming back to this series the first arc was beautiful, it didn't fully pull me in like this one did. I think that this storyline is getting so much more interesting in this issue as we get to see the progression of Sissy and how she's holding up when looking in on the people of the world. She's such an interesting character and has so much depth to her that is very hard to achieve in just one issue but this issue I almost felt her grow.

I also loved seeing the story of the war and the tragedy and horror which accompanies it. This whole issue had swirling tendrils, beautiful colour schemes and flawless ink work. Alongside all of the were the wonderful words of Kelly too, and honestly it's one of the best issues I have read in a while (second only to Monstress issue #1 and that's because that one was a triple length one whilst this one wasn't). I also really loved the fact that we seem to be sensing where the story might begin to take us now and I think I'll be picking up the next issue as soon as it comes out :)

A fab 5*s overall!