A review by libralita
Calamity by Brandon Sanderson


Tia totally isn’t dead, calling it right now.

Saying “groovy” is weird.

“It’s like a bunch of cannibals were getting ready to go bobbing for apples. Adam’s apples, at least.”—David, page 20.


“‘Is not like that,’ I said. ‘I’m like a—’
‘No,’ Knighthawk said.
‘This makes sense. I am like—’
‘No, really,’ Knighthawk interrupted. ‘Nobody wants to hear it, kid.’”—Page 57


The more they say “Tia is probably dead” the more I hear “she’s definitely not dead”.

“‘You keep you priceless super power devices,’ Megan said flatly, ‘in the potato salad.’”—Page 67


Prof is in the salt city and oh god this was worse than that scene with Nightwielder in the weapons show.

Thank god Prof didn’t kill that baby.

I knew that Tia wasn’t dead.

“You know it.”—Tia, Page 180

What the hell? Just tell him! Don’t make this a guessing game. You don’t want to be a martyr yet you don’t flat out say it? Okay, never mind, at least she didn’t just leave.

Prof gifted David when he first arrived in the city.

What the hell is Obliteration doing here? Oh shit Prof is here.

Goddammit Tia.

Oh god, Megan brought Prof’s father and she has read hair, you know who the mother is. Also, my question about what happens when an Epic and non-Epic have a baby has been answered.

Steelheart is a Reckoner, this world is so bizarre.


If the Tia from Firefight’s world and our world’s Prof get together, I’m going to throw a fit.

“Barf. The world is ruled by deific beings who can do stuff like melt buildings into puddles of acid, and all people can think to do with their phones is take pictures of their pets and try to figure out how to get laid.”—Knighthawk, Page 304

Brandon really understands human beings.

“Sure. So long as you promise to record yourself the next time you say something stupid. Damn, I miss the internet. You could always find people doing stupid stuff on the internet.”—Knighthawk, Page 306

I love this man. Also so in this future there’s no internet, that’s a large indication that I wouldn’t survive. I mean yes there’s crazy people with physics breaking super powers, but if I don’t have YouTube, there’s just no point in living.

You’d think that some Epic would require someone to recreate the internet, just for their own entertainment. That’s what I would do if I were an Epic, I would require my subjects to recreate the internet. I mean yeah in the long run it would probably be my downfall since the internet gives people free speech and that sparks rebellion but y’know I gotta have YouTube.

So Larcener was Calamity, in the Firefight world David’s dad lived (would love to hear that story) and now Calamity pissed off back to his quiet world. Oh and freaking Obliteration is still going to destroy shit and he faced his fears years ago so we’re fucked.

Hey, Megan, why don’t you go take Prof to the Firefight world so he can say goodbye to Tia.

Oh, David’s dad is going to teach him how to fly, I’m going to cry.