A review by git_r_read
Vanished by Kat Richardson


Holey crap-a-duck! This is the BEST of the series! I got to meet Harper's piece-of-work mother and learn more about Harper's background. She traveled outside of Seattle and thar be scary things in California and London (go figure).
She has to leave Seattle and loved one behind to go figure out what is going on in London, part of which are her vivid dreams of her ex, Will.
Action packed, excellent character driven urban fantasy. I wish I could say more, but I fear I will spoiler the heck out of it and I don't want to ruin it for anyone.
Mia Baron has mellowed her narration or voice or something, not sure what, but Harper sounds better this go around.
Five sparkly goin' to London and see what's happenin' diamonds....