A review by sirensaria
The Naming by Alison Croggon


I thought this book was going to be REALLY good. It has its own culture, religion (if it can really be called that), area, etc. Unfortunately, for as big as the book is, you don't learn a whole lot about anything. I still don't understand half of what's going on AFTER I read the book.

I have to say that the characters fell rather flat. The characters have no personality, very little emotions, and are just... There. I found it really hard to care about what happened to them. There wasn't a single character that stuck out, that interested me at all, or made me feel anything. They literally were all just there, in the book.

The story line, I have to say, was rather poorly done. It was very basic and had no real detail. It was a compilation of literally what happened to a couple people in a made up area. The story line was this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened, etc. It almost felt like a outline of the story and not the actual story itself. On top of everything, there wasn't a whole lot of explanations on why certain things happened, laws, rules, nothing like that. I was rather confused through most of the story. There was WAY too much explaining on how things LOOKED, like how the tree looked, what the river sounded like, things that didn't mean a damn thing to the story. The author took three paragraphs, it seemed, to describe how the sky looked, when saying it was a clear blue sky would have been a lot better and a LOT less boring. I honestly feel like the book was SO long because of all the stupid descriptions that seemed to take up half of the book.

The book was EXTREMELY hard to wade through, and frankly, I dreaded reading the book. I only finished it because I hate giving up on finishing a book. It took me a long time to read the book simply because I SERIOUSLY didn't want to read it. This is definitely not a book I would recommend to someone else.