A review by niniane
Lipstick Jungle by Candace Bushnell


This book paints a vivid picture of the New York lifestyle for ultra-successful women in their 40s. You really get into their marriages, and day-to-day work as a high-powered executive.

The character development is strong, and I found the book to be a real page-turner. It also explored interesting aspects of feminism: as a successful woman, is it preferable to date a more-successful man or a less-successful one? Both have their complications.

One annoying aspect is the author's poor understanding of text message lingo. Here is one example:

husband: "i wnt d*vorce"
wife: "don2 b sil-e"
husband: "i am c-re-us"
wife: "pt off dvr-c"

I was jolted out of my suspension of disbelief upon reading this ridiculous sms exchange.

Another issue is that there was no big climactic scene. Instead all the open issues magically resolved themselves, and the loose ends got tied off too cleanly.