A review by veronica87
Doubleblind by Ann Aguirre


I didn't like this installment as much as the first two books. Jax is still a great protagonist and the secondary characters are still varied and interesting so there's no problem there. We finally see Jax arrive at Ithis-Torr to make a stab at forging an alliance between that world and the Conglomerate. This is where the story drags for me as I was just not very interested in the diplomatic shenanigans going on. Jax attending one diplomatic function after another just doesn't hold the same level of attraction for me as a good old fashioned firefight, but that's just a matter of personal preference.

What I did really enjoy was reading about March's battles with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and how that impacts heavily upon his relationship with Jax. Having worked with combat soldiers with PTSD, I found that March's presentation was very true to life. Once again I am very pleased to see that Jax and March are navigating very honest problems in their attempts to be together. I would have preferred to see the PTSD plot thread stretched out over the next book but I will say that the manner in which Jax helps March is inspired. The last third or so of the book yields an unexpected betrayal and a daring rescue so that grabbed my attention again. This is still definitely a series to keep reading.