A review by netslummer
Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord by Sarah Cawkwell


Star-Lord and Rocket aren't the spry young heroes they used to be. They're older, slower, a bit stiffer and a lot grumpier. At least Rocket is. After crash landing in the midwest, sent to hunt for the Black Vortex by The Collector, they realize that things on Earth are a lot more different than when they last visited. Doctor Doom and several other villains have taken over and all of the heroes are dead. Can Star-Lord and Rocket find the Black Vortex and try to set everything right and lead the oppressed people of the Wastelands to revolution?

This book was A LOT of fun. I was really excited to get a chance to read this adaptation of the Marvel podcast called Wastelanders originally by Benjamin Percy. Rocket is one of my favorite Marvel characters and who doesn't love the Guardians as a whole? Reading about two of my favorite Marvel heroes past their prime but still trying to do the right thing was a great experience. It feels like their characters were really well realized in this book. The banter between Rocket and Quill is on point and the action scenes are broken up with their usual forms of comedy. While this all holds true, this book is surprisingly more emotional: Groot, Gamora and Drax are all dead and Quill blames himself for it. You eventually are shown why he has internalized this and how he still, years later, lives with that guilt. The story is heavy and emotional but still very entertaining and funny.
I absolutely flew through the first probably forty percent of the book; there was a bit in the middle of the book that was perhaps a bit slower and didn't hold my focus as well but the end of the book I couldn't put down again. All-in-all I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Marvel comics or movies.

Thank you to NetGalley and Aconyte Books for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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