A review by flamepea
The Oedipus Cycle: Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone by Sophocles


“I have no desire to suffer twice in reality than in retrospect.”

Ironically the Oedipus cycle was nothing, really but suffering. These plays were interesting.. to say the least. I don’t have much to add that hasn’t been said before.

Is it just me who thinks Oedipus had no reason for guilt? Now the whole situation is complicated as hell and as we are studying the definition of six models of tragedy according to Aristotle it states “the main hero makes a mistake.” While the whole situation of killing your father and marrying your mother definitely is a mistake! I am definitely in no way endorsing incest, just that it would’ve happened in any alternative timeline. You cannot escape fate and he was left in the dark (to some extent.) I can understand wanting to live in exile because of the same but after all these years he still punishes himself?

Oedipus The King had the most action and felt more jointed. The cutting of all the action made me feel disconnected from the story and annoyed I had to hear summaries. I know this was due to the limits of how plays were first performed but it definitely hindered my reading experience.

Seperate reviews for Oedipus Rex and Antigone to come.