A review by jeslyncat
Elusion by Claudia Gabel, Cheryl Klam


So, I was initially really excited to read this book. And then I looked at some of the reviews, and I was like, "All my friends who have read this hate it." And then I started the book, and it was like reading the script for the opening scenes of "Caprica" except the dad is dead, not the daughter. So then I'm thinking, "I'm going to punch myself for spending $13 on this book."

But as I read more of it I started to like it. I really like the characters (except for the fact that Patrick cycles between 4 years old, 18, and 65). I liked Josh, and the struggles with his sister and the main character seem realistic.

My main complaint is that the book doesn't seem well thought out, there are places where the authors simply state, "And then this happens!" without any building, but other places they build and build and NOTHING happens. So it's mildly disappointing in that regard.

I also noticed typos, which were annoying.

All in all, three stars. Wait until it comes out in paperback, don't rush to read this. Like I did. And I regret it.