A review by shane_cooney24
Lord of the Flies by William Golding


Forgot to mark this as completed. Overall, I'm sure this was excellent at the time and for a period after its publication; however, I feel like others have done this sort of story better in the last 20-30 years. I can definitely see and appreciate how other stories like "Battle Royale" and "Hunger Games" may have borrowed elements from this (and improved upon it in my opinion), so I'll give it credit for likely inspiring others. Personally, I really would have preferred to have had female characters in the story, assuming the author could write them well and have them be meaningful additions to the plot. I read this as part of bookclub (my pick actually...), and the group's consensus was pretty much the same. However, both my husband and brother really, really enjoyed this back in high school, and it is considered a classic for a reason. Likely, I was just not the target audience. Glad I read it, even happier to be done with it. :)