A review by tightlyunraveled
Not My Love Story by Dani McLean


Thank you Dani for an ARC of the second novella of your Movie Magic series bc it was indeed magic!

This was so cute! The story is told from Harrison's POV which was different (for me) since we typically get the woman's perceptive when the couple is man and woman. I really enjoyed this change of pace! Harrison doesn't believe in romance but now he has to write the script for a rom-com. Cue the the sunshine to our grump. I loved Hayley! I loved how she never wavered in her love for romance even as Harrison tried to "enlighten" her on its flaws. And after we learn more about Harrison's history, it's understandable why he's reluctant to buy into the promises of romance. But that's why Hayley is the perfect one to change his mind bc her abundance of optimism and hope
shows Harrison that there is more to romance and that happily ever after is possible.

And as much as I loved watching Harrison and Haley's journey (bc I did!), I loved seeing all the tropes that got thrown at Harrison. The city of Chance was working *hard* to convert our nonbeliever. I think my favorite might have been all the meet-cutes bc it was so funny to see Harrison, rejecter of all romance, wonder if someone was conspiring against him by arranging all these fake meet-cutes to prove him wrong. This is in the synopsis so it's not a spoiler! 🙂

CN: open-door romance, catfishing and fraud (secondary character), mentions of past bullying