A review by gilwen
Blue Lines by Toni Aleo


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I liked the other books of this series, especially the third one about Audrey and Tate, and I really appreciated to keep hearing from the previous characters. But I must confess that I kind of have mixed feelings about this fourth book.

I can't help but have issues with the two main characters . Piper for example, is an attractive and independent lady, but she makes herself a doormat for Erik all along. I sympathize and understand the mixed emotions she has, but the point where she really stood for herself came way too late. She kept putting herself in situations where she was going to be hurt, just because she believed she could change him. The only thing that saves her is that I did feel sorry for her because Erik was ten times worse. Seriously, he was despicable pretty much all the time. He's an unapologetic womanizer, a dick about the baby from the start, he's selfish and only thinks about his job and reputation, he spends his time playing video games and expects Piper to be the perfect housewife, he keeps being cruel to her so that she doesn't fall in love with him and instead of manning up to his feelings for her, he just shut her out et blames her for everything. Way mature, Erik, really. Yeah, I understand he has a troubled past and a totally fucked-up self-image, but it is no excuse for everything he said and did. And while he did get better at some point, his previous behavior spoiled it for me.

But my problem is that I am a sucker for drama and angst. I really like it when there is some heartbreak to balance the happiness. While wanting to throw my e-reader into the wall and shake the characters, I got sucked in the story and the romance worked for me . My heart bled for Piper and Toni Aleo's writing brought out strong emotions. And while I was screaming in frustration, there were some really sweet moments too (like reading to each other, or with Dimitri).