A review by carinascatsandchapters
Love at a Funeral and Other Awkward Conversations by Sophie Andrews


First off I’d like to thank NetGalley & Sophie Andrews for an e-ARC copy of this book!

I went into reading this under the impression that it was going to revolve mostly around romance with a smattering of grief. Boy was I wrong but I am SO glad I was.

This story is absolutely beautiful. Cass is a strong, talented woman who was dealt a rough hand, losing her brother suddenly. Reading her battle through grief and seeing her develop made me cry, laugh, and feel SO PROUD of this character.

I typically am also not a fan of third act break ups but this one was perfect. It was needed to show Cass’s personal development, and it a strong believer that we can’t love another person fully if we don’t love ourselves first. Her personal journey as she truly comes to tend with her grief is stunning and beautifully written.

The snippets of Lucy and Lara resonate with me so strongly. I was about 2 years old when I lost my mother, and as I read it found myself wondering how I reacted. Did I ask my dad the hard questions too?

Vince. What a man. First I swear every Italian family has a family funeral home business (I think each side of my Italian family has one