A review by lakserk
Midnight Tides by Steven Erikson


Despite its complete change of setting (the book takes place in a distant continent with an almost totally new cast of characters) which can disorient the first-time reader, despite its slow beginning, Midnight Tides is probably the best book in the series. Full of political and philosophical commentary (the Letheras empire is a thinly disguised version of our Western capitalist world which sweeps over indigenous populations), a tight plot, memorable characters (the Beddict brothers, Shurq Elalle, the Ceda, the Sengar brothers, the Crimson Guard battalion, and so many more), and the most iconic duo of the world (one of fiction's best as far as I am concerned), Tehol Beddict and his manservant Bugg.

Not much else to say here without spoilers, just looking forward to return to Letheras (in book 7 iirc).