A review by mojochan
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


I got a bit late to read this one, so obviously, I was well-versed with the amount of love and praise it has been getting, and it kinda messed up the experience for me ngl...

Well for a book title with the name Library in it and the premise revolving around it, I felt it lacked on that part. I might be greedy to say this but I seriously expected and wanted more for the book to talk about the library aspect. The characters and their personality didn't seem to do for me. Maybe I am being too critical and harsh here but for a book with the main purpose of talking about things that are experienced by all and having relatable characters, I felt it missed out most of the time.

The last point of my "Not so hits hard book as people feel" rant would be how predictable the whole ending was. At some point before even reaching the middle part of it, I knew what was coming up, which made it a drag and boring read.

I guess it wasn't my cup of tea and not something I would recommend to people who want to read fiction with a parallel universe premise but maybe to ones who are into self-help fiction stuff.