A review by antidietleah
Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith by Martha Beck


My husband was born and raised in SLC, UT as a non-mormon and has experienced a lot of alienation as a child. I wasn't familiar with Mormonism until we met and he started talking about it. He would explain some of the principles and I always thought it sounded absolutely absurd. Full disclosure, I'm not religious and not even really spiritual so most religions baffle me but this one tops the charts. Over the years, I've made a point to read more into this and am appalled at this religion - and not even just the fundamentalists. The whole thing is insane and the fact that it knowingly sweeps abuse under the rug and victim blames is vile.

This book in particular didn't really resonate with me. Yes, her story is tragic and I'm glad she got out, but the way the story was told was a but all over the place and her spiritual journey is so outside of my realm of comprehension I just couldn't buy into it.

Are there good insights sprinkled throughout? Yes. I also appreciated her light hearted humor but cannot fathom feeling that way. Guess I'm just not enlightened enough to forgive abusers and the system that perpetuates it.