A review by mattgoldberg
Daredevil, Volume 1 by Mark Waid


This book further confirms that I don't really care about Daredevil. Waid is a talented writer, but he does nothing to make the character interesting beyond elaborating how Daredevil sees the world, and trying to figure how Matt Murdock can continue to practice law if everyone knows he's a costumed vigilante.

But there's not much of a hook. I was drawn into Matt Fraction's Hawkeye because it hit upon the fact that Clint Barton is kind of a fuck-up but happens to be part of Earth's Mightest Heroes despite having no powers or grandiose origin. From there, it's just good storytelling, and Waid's Daredevil doesn't really have much going on. The best part of the book is the artwork, and I can see how a lot of artists would have fun trying to visualize how Daredevil "sees" the world.

My estimation of Daredevil remains: He's Marvel's less-interesting Batman, and his superpower is that he's blind, but he actually sees much better than a person who has 20/20 vision.