A review by thebeardedpoet
Alpha and Omega by Harry Turtledove


The core of story centers around events headed toward the rebuilding of the third temple in Jerusalem. Supernatural occurrences leave no doubt that the end times are happening. What happens to various people when these events eliminate all doubt that there is a God and He will do what He will do?

Turtledove runs the scenario with generous character empathy. The book succeeds in portraying sympathetic characters of every persuasion and stripe: atheists, secular Jews, secular Christians, orthodox Jews, evangelical Christians, born again Christians, Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims and so on. Admittedly there are one or two unsavory characters, but they are short lived. Occasionally there are characters who do too much reciprocal thinking, but I could put up with it.

Turtledove does an impressive job of seamlessly weaving through the narrative a tremendous amount of biblical and religious knowledge. I really liked some of his speculative guesses too.

I am sure not everyone will be satisfied with the climax, but I found it thought provoking fiction. That's the wonderful thing about fiction--it postulates "what if" and stretches your mind.