A review by suze_1624
Caught! by JL Merrow


I loved the characterisation in this book - each person was unique and I was able to get a real visual and mental feel for them. Perhaps being British helps, but all the social issues as well just made the humour in the story even better.
It did take me a few chapters to 'get' the story - but after that, fun all the way! I liked Rob and Sean together - though because of being set in a school, he was much more Mr Emeny than a Rob! And I loved that Sean wasn't portrayed as a dim blue collar worker, he could get the literally references and he loved Rob's fashion idosyncrasies.
The portrayal of village life was fun, and the school harvest, Christmas and Easter services and modern songs made me glad that is all behind me now!  The country house family Christmas was well done (never been to one!) and I loved all the 'Titty' gags.
I was expecting the Oliver issue to be a bit more traumatic, but as it is played is much more in the style of the author.
Rating over 4.5, because I was expecting more of a big denouement, but rounded up to 5 as I thought it was well good, innit! JL Merrow at her best.
Would love to see more of them, this is styled Shamwell Tales 1 so I hope they have a role in book 2.

13.7.17 reread : just in time for book 4, a quick trip back to the beginning. Funny, very British. Rob is a ditherer - majorly so. Sean a great salt of the earth guy with the brains to keep up with Rob.