A review by icameheretoread
Horrorama by Matt Harvey, A.S. Coomer, Lucas Mangum


Design-wise, this book gets a 5. It looks like an old VHS tape, and my favorite touch is that interspersed in the stories are old TV Guide listing pages that feature the story as a "feature film". It's worth the price of admission right there. The idea behind the book (a horror movie marathon) is genius. I hope this will be a series, but I hope it features a more diverse pool of authors.
I love C.V. Hunt. I read [b:Halloween Fiend|43550319|Halloween Fiend|C.V. Hunt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1547344532l/43550319._SY75_.jpg|67747710] last year and it ended up being one of my favorite books. It's too bad C.V. doesn't have a story in this collection.
Sadly, it falls prey to my usual experience with story collections. Some of them are great, some of them are meh. I'm not going to get into which ones I liked and which ones I didn't. I'm still glad I read it.