A review by fish3718
When Fall Breaks by Julie Solano


When Fall Breaks (Seasons of Jefferson Book 1) by Julie Solano and Tracy Justice is a YA romance/mystery book. This is the first book I have read from either one of the authors and I will have to say I cannot wait to read the other book in this series. The authors are amazing at character and scene description. Being a YA book, it does deal with the main character Kaitlyn and her struggle with expectations and her plans for the future. It was refreshing read because I could relate to the Kaitlyn and often found myself yelling at my kindle. There is several twists and turns with this roller coaster ride but it is well worth it in the end. Kaitlyn has her life planned out but in rides Pistol Black with the Rodeo. There are so many emotions with this relationship. Hopefully everyone will see through Pistol enough to show Kaitlyn what type of person he is and not what she thinks he is. I cannot wait to see where book 2 and 3 take me.