A review by claudiafernandes1703
Rise of the School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani


So... I have s lot of thoughts and I need to rant. That twist oh the twist! First of all I always liked Rafal in the main series so I was thrilled to know more about him and his brother.
I loved their bickering, they reminded me of an old married couple... but then Rhian started to get cocky thinking he was the Pen's favorite and I was like 'nooo I know you die but I want you and Rafal to be happy so stfu and stop escalating this situation!!!' and then Rafal was gone and Rhian let his inner school girl out and I felt so seen when Marialena and the Deans called him out on his dumb bulshit! I usually don't like characters making this many dumb decisions but Rhian was just so entertaining.
At first I thought it was kinda cute how he was building a castle out of pettiness but then I realized how little thought he put on the logistics of having a glass castle and how easily he fell for every lie just because a handsome guy was telling it and I swear my first thought was 'You remind me of Sophie when she was in denial about how evil she is...' (I even thought while laughing to myself that the book could be renamed "how to screw things up with your twin over a boy - by Rhian aka dumb-dumb ") but I didn't pay attention to it, so when the ending came I felt so stupid! The signs were all there even Vulcan called it out!
I am still shook but it all makes sense now, I didn't understand how Rafal could ever turn on Rhian, yes he was by no means the perfect brother but he was devoted, Rhian was his light and even when he was hurt he loved his brother ... but Rhian? He loved his twin but he was always looking recklessly for more, more love, more glory... he didn't mind screwing balance, he was selfish and still expected his twin to always sort his messes...
I have no idea how things escalated from this to a war but what I do know is that I want them to sort this out to find balance again but I know this won't happen CUZ ONE OF THEM DIES AND RIGHT NOW I'M NOT EVEN SURE IF THE RAFAL WE KNEW WAS EVEN RAFAL!!!!

I loved this book but I hate that I know it won't have a happy ending and that I can't read the sequel right now.