A review by epiphanylord
Half a Creature from the Sea: A Life in Stories by David Almond


"What am I? Body, brain, soul, or all of these? Infant, boy, man, or all of those things together? Or nothing, just nothing at all?"

Alternative Titles Created By Me:
- Perhaps Ghosts Are Real: A Life in Tales
- I Was A Rude Preteen: A Life in Stories
- 1950's-60's Scottish Slang Is Difficult To Read: A Life of Confusion


Let me just say that the first story of the collection was terribly weak. I almost DNF'ed only 15 pages in. I was confused and bored and confused once more. I thought this book was to be a memoir of sorts, but instead it turned out to be half childhood anecdote / half alternate fantasy.

Some of the tales were actually rather good, whereas others were not. As mentioned above, there was a very fine line between real and unreal within these stories. I was unable to tell what actually happened and what was imagination, and that took away from the content.

To be honest, I only picked this up from the library because of the cover.