A review by beyondevak
Forbidden City by James Ponti


Quick Summary: Non-stop action and logic games

My Review: Forbidden City by James Ponti is installment 3 in the City Spies series.

About the Book: High stakes espionage helps the young team of experts in their quest to assist with a necessary defection. While on the case, they also learn about the illegal transporting of nuclear warheads.

Extra: The maps were brilliant. I cannot wait to see more along that thread. I just know that everything is bigger than what can be seen presently.

My Final Say: This entire series is insanely good. I love that readers get to learn more about each team member, especially Mother. I also feel that the forever family is really taking shape. Everyone is becoming emotionally invested. It will be interesting to see what happens next. On to book 4!

Other: I'm ready to learn more about Mother's daughters.

Rating: 4.5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: Middle grades and higher
Series: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
