A review by helenafaustina
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare


I loved this book much more than I had anticipated! Not only did this book, [b:The Witch of Blackbird Pond|842292|The Witch of Blackbird Pond|Elizabeth George Speare|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1320397423l/842292._SX50_.jpg|2904401], have great historical content, but the story itself was very fun to read! The main character, Kit, comes to a new place, finding no one to sympathize with her or her strange, otherwise known as different, ways. I think an important message that the author, [a:Elizabeth George Speare|7549|Elizabeth George Speare|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1220854060p2/7549.jpg], said, is: “There is no escape if love is not there.” What I just quoted is relevant to many different things in life, I am leaving it up to the person who is reading this to guess what those things are. Another quote I think is very true is, “people are afraid of things they don’t understand.” I think that this book would be good for any reader, especially if you enjoy 1600s time period!

SpoilerI had a hunch from the first chapter that she would marry Nat and I was right to the end! I can’t believe I was right!