A review by cyireadbooks
Omens Bite by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast


Seriously? I guess this novel wasn’t what I expected. It’s the second book in the Sisters of Salem series, which I didn’t realize until after I received my digital copy. To really get the gist of the story, I highly recommend that the first book, Spells Trouble, gets read before this one. I believe I missed out on some of the finer details by not reading the first book. However, I don’t think my opinion would have changed even if I did read the first novel.

The two main characters — Mercy and Hunter Goode aren’t that likeable as they come across as spoiled, entitled teens without discipline. The other characters in the story are just okay. Maybe I would have appreciated them more if I knew of their backgrounds.

The plot is pretty linear without much twists and turns. This novel actually reads like a middle grade book in my opinion. Prose-wise, it is very simple without much flair. I didn’t really feel engaged and often felt like I was reading a children’s fiction book.

Needless to say, I probably won’t be reading anymore books from the authors. Two stars — it was okay if I managed to finish the book.

I received a digital ARC from St. Martin’s Press | Wednesday Books. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.