A review by sonja_ahrb
The Billionaire Beast by Jackie Ashenden


I actually didn't read the synopsis for The Billionaire Beast, but nevertheless, I was excited to read it! I was because one of my best book friends loved the first book, The Billionaire's Virgin, and couldn't wait to read this one, so I knew it had to be good, but even without my friend's eagerness, I still would have wanted to read it as I'm always up for a Beauty and the Beast retelling. And what a retelling it was! It was absolutely fantastic and I can't wait to read not only the next book, but also the first one.

Phoebe is all calm, cool, and collected for the most part, but Nero sure knows how to bring out her fiery, passionate, wild side out too. I loved seeing her fire, but I loved her soft, sweet, compassionate side more. Phoebe is just the kind of person who you would want to be your friend. She's nice, supportive, and she will always be there for you when you need her and help you however she can. Phoebe is truly a gem and I just positively loved her.

Wow - Nero, is a lot to take in at first. I mean, he's an a*shole, a real grade A one too and yeah, you're going to want to probably slap or shake him, but I promise you, he does get better. His gruffiness is not all bad though, he's determined and he makes Phoebe face things she doesn't necessarily want to and he makes it okay for her to allow herself to open up. Nero listens to her, he comforts her, and he sees her and that's what I loved most about him. It was a rocky start, but I definitely fell for this Billionaire Beast!

The Billionaire Beast was one tale that kept me on my toes and on the edge of my seat. It made me gasp in shock, disbelief, and outrage, it got my blood boiling a few times, it brought tears to my eyes and quite a lot of smiles to my face. It was heartbreaking, heart stopping, and heartwarming - The Billionaire Beast was just all heart and I completely, totally loved it!

The Billionaire Beast is the second book in the Billionaire Fairy Tales series, but it can be read as a standalone. It's told from Nero and Phoebe's POV and the ending will leave you feeling all warm and gooey inside.

~ Sonja, 5 Stars