A review by inherbooks
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides


WHERE DO I BEGIN? This read had me sitting at the edge of my seat right until the very last word. And flipping the page when I knew there was no more. The author does an amazing job of telling you a story within a story.

The Silent Patient tells us about a woman, Alicia Berenson, who has been living in a psychiatric facility for the last 6 years after murdering her husband. She hasn’t spoken a word since the crime took place and refuses to to this day. Theo Faber is a criminal psychotherapist with a particular curiosity with her story and starts working at the facility Alicia is at– ultimately making her his patient. The story unfolds as Theo tries to figure out what happened all the while getting snippets from Alicia’s diary for her point of view. That’s it. I can’t tell you more than that. You have to find out for yourself cuz its WORTH IT.

I’m a big fan of stories like this, ones that delve into the character’s mind, unravels every detail in the past, present and sometimes future. I really enjoy plot twists and unexpected endings, that have my mind blown at the end – because to be honest, I never see it coming. @alexmichaelides writes in a gripping way, gives you the right puzzle piece at the right time, just enough to make the picture clearer but not quite enough that it still keeps you guessing. There isn’t a person I didn’t point a finger at, and I was still taken aback by the ending.

I must note, aside from it being a psychological thriller, it also does an amazing job at highlighting what healthcare looks like in the mental health realm. In the shadow of World Mental Health Day, it’s important to recognize we have a lot of work left to do and this book paints a very vivid of the system’s shortcomings.

All in all, it’s a worthy read if you’re a fan of thrillers, plot twists, murder mysteries, and the like. Let me know your thoughts! I’ve read a wide range of reviews – I’d love to hear yours if you have read it or when you do.