A review by jess_mango
The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner


3.5 stars

While I've read and enjoyed most of Jane Austen's novels, I don't consider myself an Austen fangirl. I have bookish friends who are All.About.Austen. Here's my own Austen fan snapshot: My favorite Austen novel is Emma and the only Austen book I have yet to read is Mansfield Park.

I do love books about books and books about the love of reading. So, The Jane Austen Society was an appealing title to me. This book is a fictionalized account of the real Jane Austen Society which was formed in Chawton England in the 1940's. This book has a completely fictionalized cast of characters as part of the society.

In the years just after World War II in the quaint village of Chawton, Hampshire, England, a diverse group of people form with the mission to preserve the former home and belongings of Jane Austen. This group includes the local doctor, a descendent of the Knight/Austen family, a widowed school teacher, a bachelor farmer, a Sotheby's auctioneer, a lawyer, a maid from the Knight household and a famous Hollywood actress. These characters all have either a connection to Jane Austen or an appreciation of her novels.

I loved how the story shared the characters love of reading and in particular reading Austen. The novel is primarily set in the years 1945-1947 and we see the impact of the recent war on the people of the village of Chawton. The society members know their share of conflict and heartache and each are dealing with their own personal issues which are woven throughout the story.

I recommend this book to fans of Jane Austen and character driven historical fiction. Best read while sipping tea and curled up with a soft blanket. :)

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.