A review by bkish
The Awkward Black Man: Stories by Walter Mosley


What an outstanding writer!
this is various short stories written by this writer over the years. It is my first experience of Walt Mosley who is known as a mystery writer. He is jewish and african american in NYC (my hometown). all his stories about the lives and thoughts and relationships of black older men in NYC. Each story is completely different and yet what is common to all aside from the main characters and his relationships is that he is looking at humanity with a touch of sadness and a lot of irony and honestly. These stories are direct and blunt and deal with the truths about people and their lives and some of it is endemic to men who are black or african american and some fits for many if not all men. He is absolutely marvelous with words and the scenes he recreates in words. At times I smiled and at times I laughed and at times I felt a deep sadness...

Judy g