A review by tynga
Dayhunter by Jocelynn Drake


Dayhunter starts right after the failed attempt, by the Naturi, to break the seal and even though Mira win this battle, the war is far from being over. Not only does Mira have to fight the Naturi, she also have to watch her back because Jabari, her former mentor, also wants a piece of her, namely her head, preferably on a plate or a spike.

At the beginning, Mira is summoned by the Nightwalkers Council to Italy and brings Danaus, Vampire Hunter and Tristan, her new protégé, along for the ride. At destination, quite a few unpleasant surprises awaits our heroes and one in particular Mira wouldn’t have believed if she hadn’t see it with her own eyes.

This book is mostly about secret agendas, treason, unknown threats and power struggles. Our red-haired girl does her best to untangle this mess and protect everyone in the process, but nothing is as it seems and like in every war, there are casualties.

In this round, we got to meet some great new characters, including two werewolves and an handful of interesting vampires. I can’t wait to know more about Nicolai and Valerio a bit more. Danaus is still my favorite though, and I really want him to end up with Mira!

The end was indeed one epic battle with surprises, injuries and death. I won’t tell you if Mira succeeded in stopping the seal from being broken, but I will tell you that I didn’t expect what happened. The war isn’t over and some enemies still need to be dealt with, but overall, this chapter wrapped-up nicely, with promises of more adventures.