A review by lesbianelvira
The Ex-Girlfriend of My Ex-Girlfriend is My Girlfriend: Advice on Queer Dating, Love, and Friendship by Maddy Court

informative reflective fast-paced


i've been following maddy court for several years now. i was one of the people who got a copy of the original zine, and she'd literally sent me a free copy since i said something about hoping she'd still have copies when i got paid. when i was able, i also got her "choose your own dykeventure". i never was able to read my copy of the original zine since i quickly handed it off to a baby gay bi friend who'd just gotten out of her first wlw relationship, and it was abusive, hoping it could provide her any solace. i did find myself thinking that several questions' answers didn't dive deep enough, or address core issues that stood out to me. but i know maddy can be capable of doing that, as well as guest experts, since sometimes there was firm unpacking.

i think my biggest critique other than that is how therapy is harped on a lot in the piece, when it is so, so inaccessible to most people. i'm an autistic non-binary dyke with (c?)PTSD and depression with chronic SI; not only do i have to somehow afford sessions with insurance i luckily have, but i have to find a therapist that would actually be able to treat someone like me *and* not be fully booked. i think maddy did a fine job in this book/in her advice giving, but as someone who's (perhaps also) very passionate about psychoanalyzing myself and others and giving advice, i think that's a genuine discipline that improves my mental health and helps me care for people i love when they're struggling. i don't think we'd need therapists as much if we had more people in our lives we can do that kind of informed care with. as is true with many professions, the knowledge and skills that therapists develop isn't fully contained to getting a degree and having clients. maddy emphasizes queer community a lot in this book, so i just wanted to articulate that. all the therapy in the world won't matter if we don't have queer community we can take care with.

as a side note, i know many of these questions skewed young / from baby gays, or whatever other niche. & there's of course things that can be said about how people's demographics can be reflective, but maddy is just one, young white cis micro online celesbian. she doesn't aim for her little musings to be an end-all-be-all. there very much so does need to be more outlets like this (again, so many of us lack queer community). i just don't know that elder dykes have necessarily been in her demographic, or regardless would ask her for advice as opposed to if like, ivan coyote did something like this.