A review by whit2ney
The Curse of the Black Cat by Lou Wilham


You ought to know that I love a good fairy tale. I love original stories, retellings, whatever I can get my hands on. If I had to pick my favorite trope, it’s things working out thanks to a little bit of magic.

I could see a little bit of Beauty and the Beast here–one character turned into something non-human in order to learn self-acceptance. Every character goes through some growth on accepting who they are so they can become their best selves.

I also loved the LGBTQTIA+ representation. As a straight reader, I’m always looking for representation as a way to expand my library. I feel like the cover possibly gives it away, but the romance is truly charming and you can’t help but root for the grumpy cat.

This tale seems to be appropriate and entertaining for readers of all ages. If you’re looking for diverse characters, some thoughts on mental health, and a friendship to romance plot, then I think you’ll enjoy this story, too.