A review by ailishni
Queen of Chaos by Amelia Hutchins


***Edit: Re-read - 15/10/2023***

I was debating whether I should do an updated review for this book.

This book was a mess. Upon doing a re-read of the book, I can confidently say I was wrong in my initial rating.

There were a plethora of problems with this book. The writing was off by a mile for Amelia. It read like I was reading a draft of a different book.

The plot was going in a new direction with a ton of new characters and back stories we really did not need.

The build up over the last few books about Aria's father, went absolutely nowhere in Queen of Chaos. The man was wallpaper in this book; he served no purpose.

The sheer amount of spelling, grammar and sentence structure mistakes in this was astounding. I have a huge amount of sympathy for what Amelia has gone through. Having said that, as a long time fan and avid reader, I don't think it was fair to publish this book in the current state it is in; the book was utterly unreadable at times due to the gross amount of errors. Time should have been taken to write this book; if it took another year, then so be it. But what the reader got was shockingly bad.

By the time I finished QoC, I was overwhelmed by the litany of nonsensical shit that happened and was left underwhelmed by the shockingly abrupt ending.

Apparently King of Chaos will be the last book in Aria and Knox's story and I really don't know how to feel about that because I think Amelia needs another book to undo the shit show that was Queen of Chaos.

I wouldn't accept this kind of writing in anyone else's books, so I can hardly accept it here.

Final rating: 2 ⭐⭐

First Reviewed: 10/10/2023

This was more than worth the wait. You won’t be disappointed.

We dive right back in to where we left off in the Kingdom of Fire. Aria is on her guard but also curious about her father and people. There are those within this kingdom that don’t intend to let Aria get near the throne but seek to use her power.

Knox has let Aria go to find herself and her purpose, but is struggling with it. He gave her a timeline and promised he’d come for her if she didn’t return. This proves difficult for Knox and his brothers as getting into the KOF is a difficult feat.

Meanwhile, Hecate is shoring up her resources to ensure she remains on top. Hecate’s obsession with Knox has not waned and she will do anything to have him.

It appears that Aria wasn’t as alone as she thought growing up; an unexpected family member has been guiding her toward her purpose since she was born. In this instalment, Aria comes away with more allies and trusted friends than ever before.

Once back in the Nine Realms, Aria discovers that her mate has been taken by Hecate. Can Aria get him back unharmed? Or will Hecate’s hold on Knox force him to kill Aria?

Queen of Chaos was filled with beautiful imagery and word-building. Right from the start, the reader is given a plethora of information on Aria’s paternal family and the majestic warriors and gods she descends from. We see Knox’s love and devotion to Aria shine and it is a balm to the soul after reading their turbulent and chaotic beginnings.

Amelia has really outdone herself in QOC. She must be commended for writing this book with everything going on in her life. The woman is a powerhouse!

I am excited to see where the story goes in King of Chaos and I am praying that a little someone survives!