A review by tonstantweader
A Murder Unmentioned by Sulari Gentill


A Murder Unmentioned is the sixth book in the Rowland Sinclair series and the third I have read. The unmentioned murder is from the past. Rowland was fifteen when his father died and he was sent to England. We now learn his father was murdered and suddenly Rowland is the prime suspect. The other suspect is his brother, Wilfred. Complicating matters, there is another murder and clearly some secret maneuvering in the background.

The Rowland Sinclair series is a historical mystery series that takes place in Australia during the years fascism was growing in Europe and around the world. Fascist politicians were building power in England and Australia as well and anti-fascist activism by labor and the left were critical to turning those countries away from the abyss. Sinclair is one of those who fought fascism, at considerable risk. Genti;l mixes fiction and fact seamlessly with great effect.

A Murder Unmentioned is the third book in this series I’ve read and my favorite. I was engrossed in the events, perhaps because the mystery was so much more individual, not part of some larger movement or conspiracy. The mystery in the past was fair and I began to suspect the solution, not too soon, but soon enough I was not surprised by the revelation. That’s the way it should be. In the other books in the series, I faithfully read the bits of real news and fictional news snippets that open the chapters. This time I skipped them. I think that may be the reason I found this book so much more enjoyable.

I received an e-galley A Murder Unmentioned from the publisher through NetGalley.

A Murder Unmentioned at Poisoned Pen Press
Sulari Gentill author site
A Decline in Prophets by Sulari Gentill
Paving the New Road by Sulari Gentill
