A review by gwendolyn_kensinger
The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer


Listen up as I stumble my way through this review. The important thing you need to know right away is, YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK. Period. End of sentence. This book got me all up in my feelings. This is a new favorite. Not only did it teach me something but it made me contemplate my own life, the ones I love, and how to enjoy every moment of my life while I can, but also to enjoy the time I have with my loved ones. It made me appreciate my life and the journey that it’s taken so far. It made me think about my granddad and how fun he was, and how he would want me to be living my life full of fun and adventure. It honestly taught me so much about life from the perspective of a death doula. 

I also LOVED every single character, maybe one in particular a little less (no spoilers) but they served their purpose ya know. It made me yearn for a smaller more purposeful life surrounded by people I love and care about. It made me cry, more than once, and I know I will be thinking about this book for a very long time. It definitely made an impact.

Sorry I didn’t share too much of the premise or anything but I went into the story not knowing much myself and I’m so happy I just went for it, and I hope you do too.