A review by ri_ri
Where's Molly by H.D. Carlton


“I will chase away all your nightmares until they grow wary of returning. They will fear me, my little ghost. But you never will.”

This book is the perfect closure I needed for Molly's story after reading about her in her dairy in Hunting Adeline. I had been waiting paitently for over a year to find out what happened to find that diary girl and her sister and I am so happy and proud of Molly and that she finally found a life of her own and for her little sister even after seeing and experiencing all the torture, trauma and pain.

The story dived into Molly and her backstory and how she was just a girl who wanted to love her sister. This book didn't explored her life in that dark place and the trauma was off-page but it still hurted so much to finally know her story from her perspective and to know to what extent those brainsick people broke her. Her grief over the life she was supposed to live with her little sister, her trauma and pain was so tangible, real and heartbreaking. I can't even imagine all the things they did to her and how she lived out of it enough to give a life to her sister. I liked that Molly finally have a chance to build a life where she's a part of her sister's life and I needed more of their interactions and to see how Molly is dealing with all of that but I guess now we can't.

“Wherever I'm going, I won't go without a fight.”

➸ Molly

Molly is the girl who has lived the most traumatic and painful life. She is strong-willed and capable of fighting her own demons and battles but how many battles a person can fight? From the moment she was born she's been trying her best to live a normal life until all the unimaginable things happened to her. There's too much trauma and so many scars — visible and hidden and it's impossible for her to forget them and heal them and carry on with her life like nothing bad ever happened to her, so she found out a way to live with them and Cage helped her with that throughout her journey. She was all alone until he appeared in her life and showed her what it actually meant to be cared for, loved and worshipped by a man who truly loves you.

“Never have I had anyone bring me flowers, set up a movie, and rub my feet. It’s not something I even imagined for myself.”

➸ Cage

He is the definition of 'unhinged but nice'. He had his own demons and heartbreaking past that broke something inside him and that is one of the reasons he could understand Molly and her sadness and pain so well. He might be all possessive and territorial but knew what Molly went through in her life and he treated her with care and love but not the way that she is breakable just by touching her. I think he has bipolar disorder with the way he was feeling for Molly. And trust me he's the most normal mmc ever written by H.D. Carlton. His obsession with Molly was stupidly cute and he fell first and harder for her. His relationship with his mother was one of the most precious thing and the way he's such a devoted son to her.

“She’s mine, as explicitly as the heart in my chest.”

╰┈➤ Molly and Cage

They were described at toxic and dysfunctional couple in the trigger warning of this book but all I could see was the sweetness between them. I think they are the only normal couple ever written by H.D. Carlton and to say she warned us about their relationship in trigger warnings was funny. Yes, Cage is obsessed with Molly for over a decade and he wants her and will have her any way he can but he also cares for her. I mean he went as far as to do a movie night with her, bought her flowers, took her to a dinner with his mother because he wanted Molly to feel belonged. It was actually so cute.

“You’re different,” I mumble. “Thank you for showing me how to enjoy something I never thought I’d enjoy. For respecting my body. And for giving me something to hold on to before I disappear.” His eyes soften. “You can always hold on to me, Molly. Always.”

The ending was good and the extended epilogue with Zade and Addie's cameo was everything I needed!

“I only hurt people who deserve it. Scout’s honor,” he assures.
The woman rolls her eyes. “He was never in Boy Scouts. And he’s scary, but I can kick his ass, and I’m nice.”

Now all I want from H.D. Carlton is Rio's book. It's not a want it's a NEED!


ITS HEREEE FINALYYY!!!! so excited to read this with my gorg bestie Shanayaa