A review by mrose21
Out of the Blue by Kathryn Nolan


Second chance romances are not in my top list of tropes I enjoy but this author did it well.

I thought the characters gave into their past trauma well, they communicated nicely and I didn't have to worry that it was a miscommunication that was the dramatic down foe them. Although you could say thats why they broke up but the present characters didn't suffer too much from a miscommunication and they actually improve from what you read. (Does that make sense? Probably not.)

Surfing is a unique sport for me to read. I'm a huge fan of swimming but I dislike the sea, quite scared of open water like that. Although I want to love it. The panic I get nope. So I didn't really love the surfing scenes. Not going to knock the author too much. Its literally a book about a female surfer so duh. There will be open water descriptions. Mentioning it for myself if I reread in the future and for anyone else that doesn't enjoy the open water maybe this book isn't for you.

The romance between them was so nice. It is slow burn but its not agonising it came to a head nicely. Wasn't put on too quick or too long. Just right... (ha)

The slight suspense was really nice. I liked that angle a lot. It was fun and made for an interesting read.