A review by bookbae96
Come Home to Me by Brenda Novak


Presley Christensen's life has been less than perfect. The product of an unhappy childhood, she had few friends, except her sister, Cheyenne, and Aaron, the man that Presley loved. Aaron Amos was the reason that Presley left home two years ago. A friend with benefits, Aaron wasn't willing to commit more of himself to Presley. When she found herself pregnant and alone, Presley chose to leave, rather than saddle Aaron with a child that he did not want. Now Presley is home, with her two-year-old son Wyatt, ready to start over.

When I started 'Come Home to Me,' I felt like I had been thrown into the middle of a story that I didn't know the beginning of. Because this is the sixth in the Whiskey Creek series, I think that I would have understood the town and character dynamics better had I begun with the first book and worked my way through. It took me a bit to warm to the characters, especially Aaron, who seemed a bit shallow and self-centered, especially in the way that he treated Presley. As well, the sub-plot involving Presley's sister Cheyenne was truly unbelievable to me. I cannot imagine a situation where the events that transpired would be considered within the pale of acceptable.

I generally love series romances, especially ones that involve families (the 'With Me In Seattle' series by Kristen Proby is a great example of this), but 'Come Home to Me' did not have me invested right off the bat, so I felt like this book was only a three to three-and-a-half stars read for me. I would like to go back to the beginning and start over with 'When Lightning Strikes,' so that I can get a better feel for the town and the folks that make Whiskey Creek a place that I'd like to know more about.