A review by bookwife
Moon Kissed by Jennifer Snyder


4.5 stars.

I always enjoy Jennifer Snyder's books. So when I saw that she was putting out a new werewolf series, I was so excited! I received an ARC of this book from a Facebook giveaway.

One of the things that I loved most about this book is the way you became a werewolf. Mina was born with the potential to become a wolf (or Moon Kissed). I like that just because you were born in the pack didn't mean you automatically turned furry.

I also really liked Mina... I think she was a little silly for dating a human guy but then again I also understand that she wanted to chance for normalcy. Plus she hadn't been moon kissed yet.

The book leaves off at a really good place and I can't wait to get my hands on the next one!