A review by yodamom
Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole


2.5 stars
I like most of the book 2/3's of it were good, really it was. It was the 1/3 of the book with Holly the incredibly unbelievable virginal, brainiac, PHD candidate, OCD'd out, inconstant character. *She wrecked the Veyron, how could anyone like a person that does that ?* I didn't believe in her at all, yeah I was shaking my head almost every time she opened her mouth or her thoughts.

Cade- Hot demon man you. Find a girl who'll lick those horns ! He almost carried the whole book himself. He was sexy, patient, sexy, fearless, sexy, relentless, sexy and did I mention he was sexy ? Too good for H-girl. Why did it have to be her ?

so where does this leave me

Cade the Kingmaker, filled with quilt. Has a chance to put his brother back on the throne. This will involve him betraying his woman. There is much at stake here, thousands of lives. He must overcome his needs and do what is required to resolve his past mistakes. Holly, she just wants to stay under the radar, finish her code and marry her boring boyfriend. It was all going so well until somebody tried to kill her. Then the betrayals just kept coming. The two learn about each other and face many dangers.
Like the series not this one character