A review by readingmaria
Fire Song by Adam Garnet Jones


I received a free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review via NetGalley and Annick Press.

You can read my full review on ReadingMaria.

What interested me the most about Fire Song was the fact that it was a movie and now turned into this book – usually it’s the other way around! I did find some parts in the book to be more suited for the big screen, but it wasn’t a huge issue for me. The plot is so real, too. Suicide-prevention and school accessibility really aren’t available for these kids; they have it so much harder than many other kids, so the reality of Shane’s situation is believable, and all the emotions are there that go with it.

What we never hear about is an LGBTQ community within Indigenous communities. It’s just not a thing that’ really brought up, so Adam has done a great job to bring light to these people who are, essentially, a minority within a minority. It was heart breaking to see the relationship between Shane and David go through so much turmoil JUST because of the families and location they were born in. They are never allowed to be themselves, and sneaking around can (and does) only get them so far.