A review by act4life25
The Halloween Moon by Joseph Fink


Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Children for an advanced digital copy.

This was such a delightful read. As a ghoul who has a love for Halloween, this book is a great way to push my love of the holiday on my students. The story moves along quickly and doesn’t drag. I do think that there could have been a few more “creepy” moments but I still enjoyed the story.

Reading this book in March, I didn’t think the atmosphere of Halloween would resonate as much as it would have if I read it in October. However, I was completely and utterly wrong. This book exudes Halloween and brought me right back to October. I might even read it to my students when it gets closer to Halloween because I enjoyed the story that much and feel like kids will as well.

Side note: The cover is BREATHTAKING. I would frame this cover and display it in my house.