A review by avanders
Iron House by John Hart


My book group review:

We received the books as part of a promotion:

We were all given the choice between Iron House and Last Child and everyone started with Iron House. I say started with because after reading Iron House, many of the girls are ready to read Last Child.

The Group comments, as a whole:
- a fast read
- "How are you not done?! I couldn't put it down!"
- very entertaining
- "Oh! He's a lawyer! No wonder!" (that was a compliment :))
- "How did you find this? I've never even heard of him! It was really good!"
- "How many books has he written?"
- "The Last Child is even better!"

Overall, the group was very pleased with the book and, as I said, many are ready to read The Last Child. The pace was great and we felt that he moved the story along quickly. One member did not love the beginning, but by page 30 or 40, was wrapped up in the plot, the characters, and the story.

Without offering any spoilers: It's about a career killer who attempts to "go straight" for his love and his baby. Unfortunately, his past life has no interest in letting their golden killer walk away and he is chased while the people that he loves are put in grave danger, all of their lives being upended and, in some ways, completely destroyed. There are twists and turns along the way, keeping the story interesting and the reader reading.

Many agreed that, once reading, it was difficult to put the book down.

Overall, the group was PLEASED! And would recommend to anyone who likes a good story, a good thriller, a Grisham/King (mild) story.