A review by wc4
Ask Me Again by E.J. Noyes


Definitely harder to read than the 1st book (which I read in a couple of days). Not because it's bad, but because the subject matter, PTSD, is difficult and complex to tackle. That actually speaks to how well-written it is, when the author can make you empathize and feel deeply for the characters. That this is book#2 is also a big factor, at least for me. I've gotten to know Sabine and Rebecca from the 1st book. I've seen who they are, before "The Incident". As a reader, one is rooting for them to get better and be happy together. Also appreciate that this is not a "Love cures all" story. We know Sabine and Rebecca love each other. But PTSD is a disease that is insidious. It's an enemy that is invisible and hard to defeat. It also does not just affect the person who went through the trauma, it affects their family and friends, too. All these were beautifully written in this book. We go through it all with the characters and come out the other end, hopefully, with a better understanding of those afflicted with this condition.