A review by hobbitfreddie
Last Gender 1 by Rei Taki


I knocked this out in one go cuz I was so engrossed. Really good! Little flawed of course, but since it’s dealing with such a sensitive topic and also featuring sexual content I guess that’s expected to have some hiccups.
The queer rep is really good because it covers topics not usually covered in popular media. Especially the bi-gender character and the aromantic character. There’s also a bi transgender woman, an pansexual guy, I think there’s a sapphic girl in here too.
I hope they cover more identities with the rest of the series.
There is alot of sexual content in this also so this is probably not for everyone. It does advertise that on the synopsis.
But I really enjoyed this volume. It does fall victim to being a bit to similar to other queer manga I’ve read, mostly in terms of themes but I think that’s unavoidable. The concepts and stories defiantly are something I haven’t seen yet though.
I really like how the comic flows, focusing one character then taking a side character from that chapter and telling their story in the next. I really liked the story involving with Ran and Mao’s romance most I think. But Marie’s story was great, I really liked the ending, made me feel things