A review by gaymoonreader
Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me. by


I really enjoyed this. I listened to this via audiobook, which I totally recommend. On the rare occasions that I decide to read memoirs--as I typically do not read nonfiction--I always listen to the audiobook versions because it is narrated by that person, which really helps me to connect to what they are saying. I am hearing it directly from them, which makes it much more personal to me.

This audiobook was no exception. I got to really hear how Lily really struggled with things, but realized later that she needed to experience that in order to get through another difficult situation in her life. She talked about her family and relationships and her struggles with her eating disorders, and just so much more. This book really had a couple major themes that were central to it, and those were definitely loving yourself and accepting yourself, even with the good, the bad and the ugly.

I could actually apply that theme to myself because when it comes to your identity, I really struggled with that over the past year or so. I struggled with accepting and loving myself as a bisexual woman. I grew up in such a homophobic household, so it was a real struggle to say that I am okay with myself, and that there is nothing wrong about liking the same sex. It has taken me a while to get to this point. I have a girlfriend now, I am out of the closet, and I am so happy. I am the happiest I have ever been, and I couldn't have accomplished all of these strides within my self-acceptance if it hadn't been for my best friend and my girlfriend, both who are part of the LGBT community.

I realized I can only surround myself with those that love me for me, despite my shortcomings or what they perceive as shortcomings. When Lily was talking about her journey to self-love and self-acceptance, it just really hit me and made me realize everything I have gone through and that I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't gone through those experiences. I honestly wouldn't change a thing because I am so much more healthy now both mentally and physically, and that is just something I never thought I would be able to say.

Overall, this memoir helped me to be super self-reflective, I learned about so much more shit that she went through, and it was just a lot of really great insight into her as an actress and as a person, and I just really enjoyed this.