A review by ramyasjp
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand


The book I consider a work of a genius. I still dread that it is way above my standards, yet could decipher some golden quotes. The more number of times I read, the more are the revelations.

Rand's phenomenon, you'd either hate or love it, there is no particular indifference. This book hit the jackpot with the carefully woven characters. To talk about the protagonists,I know not where to begin. I cherish intellectual characters and one among them is Howard Roark, the main protagonist. He makes a spectacle of himself by behaving the eccentric way yet aces collectivism throughout the series of events and bunch of intelligent people who hinder his progress.

The book teaches how not to fit into situations and live a life of dissatisfaction, instead bring life to the inner longings and cravings of an ordinary yet genius person.