A review by theawkwardbookw
Bad Hair Day by Carrie Harris


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RANT REVIEW: https://t.co/RrZo00KsA5

After curing a zombie disease, Kate is back again... this time... killer werewolves are on the loose.

blaaaaaaaaaaargh. The more I think about this book the more annoyed I get by it...

This book was basically the exact same as the first book but instead of Zombies it was switched to werewolves. I found it boring and repetitive. I also felt like the author was trying too hard to be funny. The plot didn’t progress at all... the characters all annoyed the living hell out of me... Kate is what, 15/16, and she’s performing surgeries in back parking lots at restaurants? She’s in the middle of a crime scene and a cop asks for her autograph? I also hated how stereotypical all the characters were. Elle was the worst out of them all... the author just tried way to hard to make her the blonde bimbo.

I think I would have liked this more if I had read it when I was younger and I can definitely see the appeal for a younger audience, it just wasn't the book for me. ALSO, how many times does this girl need to mention that her boyfriends butt is cute... like okay.. thank you for mentioning it AGAIN.. for the 50th time this book, I really understand now thank you for the visual image.