A review by rebeccareadsmut
Zeke by Milly Taiden


“What were you saying?” she asked, her voice calm and soft as if she hadn’t just competed against Ripley for best time killing aliens.

This books have lots of great sex for sure, and a fast read. Steamy sex for sure. Also I enjoy that both of the Milly Taiden series I've read books in so far have all plus size female leads, which I enjoy! In general I prefer longer books with more story but sometimes it's nice to just read something fast and fun as a breather in-between books that punch you in the gut.

I love nerdy male characters in romance books. I think I will like this series if I spread out reading them.  I think if I read them too close together I will end up getting annoyed. I've only read two of the Alpha Geek series but so far both of them get changed into shifters and then they aren't the same nerdy glasses wearing fantasy I'm wanting haha so that's a bit of a complaint I guess.  They turn into like a big hulky alpha guy that still likes comic books and science...which is still pretty nerdy.  Also going to a comic book con was a lot of fun!

Anyways, I will probably keep up with the series very slowly in-between other books otherwise I think they will feel a bit too formulaic quickly.

Now I’m a walking, talking, breathing comic book character with the hottest partner I could imagine.” He kissed her hand again. “Between the pages or the sheets. A partner that saw me…truly saw me…before I changed.”